If you can move ideas, you can move mountains -- but even the most promising ideas can fail to sell themselves on merit alone. The way an idea is presented can have as much impact as the idea itself, and I find this to be just as true for business proposals as it is for anything else I might design.
This presentation was designed to be asynchronous -- a stand-alone, self-contained presentation that stakeholders can watch at their convenience. Ultimately this proposal was approved, and licensing may expand by 150% to 3 additional locations!
Another asynchronous presentation experiment, this time concerning how we might approach the matter of employees returning to the office. This made its way up to the SVP level, and environmental changes have already begun!
Over the years, I've become a household name in this area. I'm sought out to put together compelling, high-end presentations for management all the way up to C-level executives, for both internal and external company use. Below are a few examples of these, though without the "presenter" component of the presentation they may lack some context/content.
2018 Forward Visual Communications Conference at Four Winds headquarters on Welton Street (no relation). John was the Keynote speaker, and I partnered with him to create a deck that, among other things, showcased the digital signage platform I manage/direct/admin.
This presentation was a pitch to create a new dashboard. It was missing too much without a presenter, so I recorded a quick VO for the purposes of this portfolio. (Sorry for the audio, I recorded it with a potato.)
Sometimes a presentation takes the form of an e-learning course. This one was built in PowerPoint and explores a new AI chat tool Sling TV piloted a few years ago. The bot is still going strong today!